Thursday, October 11, 2018

Never Trust a Snake

The second unit of this class was pretty simple and chill. We first began to look at fables and asking the question of why do we make stories. The class came to a conclusion that we make stories to teach a lesson. These lessons were made to instill in to young children not to do bad but to do good. We also started to read some famous stories like The Hare and the Tortoise and some Panchatantra fables. I really enjoyed this process since I remember most of the stories, and I got to go into further depth of them. Also, fables bring joy by storytelling to little kids and adults. But I think the hardest task for me would be finding symbolism. In this unit, we got to talk about the reasons behind somethings are morals and what we believe as an individual. What I believe in is that you shouldn't trust everyone. I believe you should be aware of the people in your surrounds and to be focused on you. Anyway, here is my story. Enjoy!

Never Trust a Snake

Once upon a time ,there was a happy joyful, fat bellied pig named Charlotte. Charlotte was a wild pig who lived in the dense forest of the Amazon and loved it there. He was the only piglet that survived in his litter, and his parents had left him to be an adult at the age of 18. Charlotte was a smart but foolish pig. He would stick his head into beehives, light dry hay stacks on fire and even drink out of the deadly alligator pound. In the forest, he would spend most of his days looking for other animals to play with and have a good time with. Since living in such a populated area, Charlotte could find all sorts of animal friends. There were snakes, jaguars, monkeys, toucans, frogs, butterflies, and even mice. But knowing this piggy, he didn't want any ordinary friends; they had to be able to play an instrument since he loved music. Charlotte's favorite instrument was the guitar. The guitar was a symbol of peace in his eyes. It brought him pleasure, and happiness all in one. The guitar was an outlet for him; it allowed him to express himself more than imaginable. One day he heard that the monkeys of the town were going to make a town blues festival, and needed volunteers to play each instrument. 

On the next day, Charlotte went to sign up for the festival. It was packed with new and old faces. What stood out to him the most was that no one had signed up to play the guitar, so he urgently ran over to the sheet while all most bumping into a weird looking fox. But before Charlotte even touched the fox he swiftly turned around, and caught the pig before he fell. Charlotte quickly said, “Sorry bro, I didn't see you there.” He then began to introduce himself. “Hi my name is Charlotte what’s yours?”
“My name is Clay and I live down the road before the Jaguar’s house.” The sly fox actually lived behind Charlotte and continued with his lie. “Okay……..Clay uhh that's a funny name for a fox,” said Charlotte.“So what brings you here?”

“Well, I have an actual band. But we all did not agree to perform at are concert so me and my partner Slither the Snake decided to come here and rock on.”

Charlotte was very excited he made a new friend. And was ready to continue his day. But before Charlotte could even say bye to Clay, he pulled him by the arm to his partner Slither. Slither was not so happy to see a pig in the Amazon because most either trampled snakes to death or ate all the food. They talked to each other, but also and in an instant, became like best friends. But fake friends.

So since the festival was the next day, they decided to meet over Clay’s house and practice. Clay played the drums, Slither played the maraca, and Charlotte played the guitar like no other. They jammed with each other for about two hours and got bored. But Slither then came up with an evil idea to prank Charlotte into thinking he could fly. So before the festival, both Clay and Slither convinced Charlotte that jumping off the majestic waterfall would make him the best guitar player in the world and he would be able to fly.The pig decided to take their words since he trusted them like brothers even though they met yesterday. Thus they traveled to the huge waterfalls and starting chanting, “Jump, jump, jump. It will make you better. "You will fly.” Charlotte then slowly played an old blues tune walking backwards and jumped off. At that moment, there was one lost piggy, and no one ever heard of him again. He had vanished in the rapid paced waves and disappeared.

Moral of the story never believe everything people say to you to be true.

"The Falling " J.L 10/10/18


From this AP, I have learn to make a fable, and deconstruct character traits to make a good story. Overall, I enjoyed the creative process while trying to come up with a plot. I think this has made me a little better at thinking outside the box. Also my writing is steadily getting better from last year and that's great. My moral of this story was to never trust a snake or anyone for that matter. This has been an issue for me growing up, but it will always stick to me. I hope for Unit 3, we began to look at ancient writing or different style's of writing stories. My experience in the class so far has been great ,and I think it can only go up from there.

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