Saturday, March 20, 2021

Health is Wealth

During Social Entrepreneurship this year, we've learned a lot. We explored many different types of businesses and discussed what actually makes a business stay afloat. Recently we had a guest, Matt Nicklin from First Analysis, who shared some informative knowledge about his company. We dove deep into the mind of a capital investor’s job and we tried to ask tons of questions. I enjoyed learning how his corporation runs. In Social Entrepreneurship, we’ve worked diligently to learn how to make a business plan. We gazed over things like target audience, mission statements, and roles of a business. I found that all great businesses have three keys to success: loyal customers, consistently great customer service, and great strong relationships built within the organization. For this AP we had to come up with our own business and create a plan that had a social impact.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Equal Education = Prosperity For All

During this second unit of Equality, we have dived deep into the true meaning of equality. We also searched for ways to make equality achievable and in a timely manner. We looked at many different categories that this can be separated into. These included class, gender, and race. From analyzing data of women being underpaid to common biases and stereotypes, we’ve just about covered it all. I learned so much during our time in this class and the time flew by. From my studies in this course, I’ve learned that there are many ways to look at the same subject. But it takes action and people coming together to make a difference for the greater good of humanity. 

Breaking News- The Education Gap Has Gone Extinct!!

Through the turn of the century, as a nation, we have faced many challenges and have overcome few critical issues that make a broader impact on society. We have seen progress and we have learned to adapt to new ideas brought from minorities. As of 2020, there has been an awakening for the injustices done to African- Americans by systematic oppressors. After the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others killed in the past, people from all walks of life have come together to protest and strive for the basic human rights of black people. See, history tends to repeat itself but this time around there will be a change in circumstances. (*Amen*) 

Along with this lingering history of disenfranchisement to black’s education, this stems the root of the problem in America’s financial disparities. Knowledge is key to knock down these walls that have been set in place for black’s. 79% of blacks have a high school diploma, 26% have a bachelor's degree. And about 60% drop out of school altogether. Compare this to white counterparts who have a high school graduation rate of 89% and a 62% graduation rate out of college. Higher education allows access to greater opportunities for good-paying jobs. These jobs accumulate triple the net income of a minimum wage family. Leading to more generational wealth for whites and most likely debt for blacks. The proof of educational inequalities are there. The question is how do we combat it? For starters, implementation of a similar curriculum for all students in all districts could work. By allowing underprivileged students access to state of the art technology and classroom resources where education can be expanded outside of a textbook, students will be able to use these opportunities to excel in their studies. This would motivate students to stay engaged, participate, and ultimately lead to grades improving.

 Secondly, eliminating district separation and school segregation can expand the limitations set on what type of education a student wants to pursue. A school in a neighboring district may not be suitable for all students in that area. If a choice is given to decide where someone would like to receive their education, why would this choice be shut down or dismissed? Once a student is able to make this choice they can receive a similar or even better education from the school district they came from. 

Finally, free education for private schools and free aid/tuition is a must! Without the foundation of reliable income in the household, managing other responsibilities can be discouraging to attend or even apply to certain schools. If school were free including colleges and universities it would destroy the gap between races finishing college. It would set a pathway of advancements to an abundance of different careers. Altogether this could round out the wealth gap, create equality for all races, and demonstrate true equality.

Company: Head Over Shoulders. Inc 
Specializes in Graduation Attire
Sale Starting at $65.95 
Cap/Gown: Crosses out black people in prison. Showing an end to the school-to-prison pipeline. 
Higher education leads to fewer people in prison. 

Policy: As of 2120, I hereby declare all private sector institutions to teach at a national standard. This implementation of an equal curriculum will increase the chances for people of color in succeeding in their near future. - President, Squarepants

“Over the course of my life, I have seen a difference in school systems in Chicago and in other major cities. It is currently the year 2120 and I’m now an 18-year-old Senior preparing to graduate this spring. During my time in high school, I felt like my teachers were there, but their passion to teach wasn’t. I’d go to class everyday thinking: is it even worth coming here if I’m not going to learn anything beneficial to my education or my future aspirations? I really did want to go to college this year, but it’s frustrating to want to seek the opportunity and not be able to reach it because of what district I’m in. If I go to college and graduate, I’d be a first generation college student in my family. That would be a big accomplishment for me and I really want to make my mom and my sisters proud. I’m the firstborn, so by example if I can do it, any one of them can dream and achieve! I’ve always been interested in the art of barbering and where I could go with it. I could always watch some more videos on YouTube to give me a leg up, but that isn’t exactly gonna get my name on the top of the “we should hire them” list for a professional job. One day, I’m going to open up my own shop. Recently, President Squarepants passed a policy I know would definitely help me a lot. I feel like I have a chance to succeed if I do choose to go off to college. This new policy is said to be incorporated into all schools, this includes elementary, high school, and college. Its impact would help me gain better access to schools that can accommodate to my needs. I can now openly apply to colleges without the feeling of despair. I can now keep my head up knowing that my education will be the same as other races. This will benefit not only me, but future generations to come and will help black people like me to achieve success. I approve of this policy and I will definitely be backing this new legislation.” 

 - Nathanial Butchers

Shoot for the Stars..... Not So Fast!

During my second unit of my STEAM course, Frontiers, we've explored the skies and beyond. We have been looking into space like a book wi...